Venandithoth Void Carriage Survivors

"How our violent re-materializations have set us to this moon on a pillow of irony brothers. Long have we been strangered to the tangible light of our omniscient father, set afloat nebulous maleficence, a creaking barge discovery held at tips of the tongues of daemon immaterial. To now be stranded to this creeping world of nite so similar. Our void home surrogate thrust upon us now should afford us no difference, no respite, no failure! To observe, to question, to surmise, to test, and to emperor willing, illuminate until welcomed back into his reverberated glory."
-Haithan Gail-

Lead Tech Biologist of the Venandithoth Void Carriage

(and now remaining survivors of its reemerging demise)


Almost wandering the the unknown nite moon after the reemergence of their vessel from warp space, the research group armed with cobbled together kit and technologies,  feverishly studies to understand their surroundings and what they may lend to the revival of their emperor recently entombed to the throne, barely sustaining him, upon their departure from mother Terra. The scavenged nature of their equipment poses problems of malfunction ranging from puttering dissonance to catastrophic explosive failure.

