Hello again, welcome back. In this entry I’d like to talk about a mini I made for a friend. Last March just before the SAMMHAS2 event at Adepticon a fellow mini creator (and amazing one) contacted me about sending a model to fit within the setting of jetpack wastelands. Victor (@t8cv8r) created a jaw dropping miniature that fit in just perfectly. He had bashed together a brutal sky chopper and spearman that just screamed cliff combat. Check it out below, it’s Bad Fucking Ass!!!

Victor’s paint style is incredibly grimdark. Up-close all of the detailing is just so deliberate. I love the rusty red painted metals on the vehicle. It works as a great added detail that harmonizes well with the rest of the model’s color scheme.

Lately @t8cv8r has been creating some rad Ash Wastes models for Necromunda so I thought I would create something with the same basing scheme for fun. Every Necromunda player can always use another weird Bounty Hunter so I was prepared.

I knew that I wanted to use one of the hooded character models from the Gaunt’s Ghost’s kit I had picked up on its release. Some of the poses in the box were just perfect for a shady Bounty Hunter type character. I was immediately attracted to the Mkoll model, posed in the winding branch of some alien world tree. This model had a hooded head option that was just perfect. I trimmed off the tree bits with some sharp clippers to more of a “tactical rock” position. Hate the phrase, love the usage. I would use the left hands pose and connect it to the base with some different gages of plastic card and wire. I was aiming for a ruined sort of fence post or long exposed inner structure bit of a ruined facade. The shaved down foot rest was blocked into the base using a plumber’s putty.

I replaced the right arm with a Tau Pulse Carbine. I thought it would be a cool idea to have this bounty hunter dabble in the technologies of some Xenos origin.  With this idea, I started to imagine what would be done to a strange weapon like a pulse carbine in the hands of some sort of underhive scummer or shady arms dealer. That would start to inform the contents of its remaining kit.

After a bit of correspondence with Victor, I decided to turn the Las Rifle supplied with the Mkoll model into a sort of collapsing crossbow. I trimmed down the rifle to match some photo references and added a stock made from some bent jewelry wire. I made a quiver and some bolts that might go with the crossbow out of some wire and card stock. Filling in any gaps with green stuff. I bashed my head trying to identify what kind of Drukhari melee weapon I’ve added here and still have no real answer. I know it comes in the Wrack kit and it looks like some sort of power weapon.

I used card stock here to add to the wire details on the post protruding from the base as well as some 28mm scale barbed wire I think from Army Painter. All the scrappy details on the packed weapons were also made from bent cardstock and CA glue.

I started painting this character with a Zenithal prime with Stynelrez Black and Grey Primers with a bit of White focused about its head and sholders. I then used various inks mixed with matte medium and a small amount of flow-aid. I used a mix of black and burnt umber inks as a base for any of the metallic elements. I then blocked out the body of the Tau pulse weapon with Rakarth Flesh and Aged White(VMA). I also blocked in the skull on the base with Zandri Dust and Aged White. A few layered washes were added to any of the most rusty metal parts of the scene, allowing each to dry before applying the next. These three tones were Secret Weapon Rust Shadow, Beasty Brown(VGC) and Scarlet(VMC). A pretty earthy and simple color pallet, I wanted the details on the Tau weapon to stick out a bit more than the character using it.

I’ve always been inspired by 2000a.d. Artist Chris Foss’s paintings. Some of his spaceship paintings in particular. The idea of making a reclaimed alien weapon fashioned in a wild color was the whole inspiration for the model so why not go trippy and electric on the color scheme? Here’s the basics on the rifle painting process.

After the gun was all blocked in I got to the metals in a normal fashion. Mostly using Vallejo True Metals. Somewhere in there i got around to the mold lines I missed until i really looked at some photos. I hate ‘em.

I weathered most of the model using AK Streaking Grime through an airbrush and buffing away the unwanted bits using a Q-Tip and some mineral spirits. The basing elements of rusty scrap and wasted dust were accented using powdered pigments and denatured alcohol.

This model was an absolute pleasure to build and paint and I hope it found a happy home in Victor’s collection.

I think I’ll have a shorter article about another trade model up next, Another blind step into more of the fantasy side. Also trying to work a place here to put up some models to buy, as well as a way to navigate through some of my older articles. Thanks for checking this one out!

SAMMAHS2 board update

Hey there! Seasonal depression in full effect over here at the moment but slowly making big progress on the board for Adepticon. The two largest pieces are completed and textured. Unbelievably ready to start paint on these mother fu*kers!! Fumbling with wrapping lighting details before paint starts almost drove me insane but, I think they will all shine through. I even tried out an idea of making clear resin lamps to put a bulb behind that seems like it will work as well. Always learning. Enjoy the sizzle reel of my frustrations and some of the finished pieces before paint. This post is really just to see if the vids will work. Cheers!!

Video easily available on the Instagram page highlights as well. Thanks for checking it out!

SAMMAHS2 Board Continues

Hello Voidwalker! I got the photo area set up so I could get shots of the work gearing up on the Relicta Stellas boards. As promised here are the main pieces from the SAMMAHS2 port board.

This is the first of two main structures on the board that are meant to represent a few of many floating cliff faces in the port area of the SAMMAHS2 floating cities. These two cliff structures will be connected by multiple gantries at different levels of each of the pieces. The main plastic toy structure at the center of the piece is, what I believe to be a Pirates of The Somethin’ toy that I’ve dismantled quite a bit and halved to create these structures. The rest of the rockface , floor, and ballasts are made from recycled cardboard and hot glue. The top mechanical looking section is made from a larger scale G.I. Joe ship gun set attached to the screw cap fitting of a large plastic supplement container. This screw top is attached at the rockface so that that section may be removed for transport/storage. This can also double as different play surface by taking the gun rig assembly off and plugging its hole. Ill get into photos on that as I finish building out that section. The moving parts of this toy still work and will be fashioned as more storage for other vehicles. This is to represent a sort of garage/port for smaller civilian aircraft, hence the landspeeder. The lights here are created from a Turing of battery powered LED’s hot glued into the structure from inside the cardboard structure. Trying to turn this into a more brutalist concrete structure by repeating rectangular shapes on the ship facade and eventually filling them with spackle.

The second structure/cliff, shown here, Is made from the their half of the pirate ship toy, and more cardboard in the same way as the previous. Most of the action on the 2’ x2’ board will take place presumably between these two cliff faces and the gantries connecting them. I plan to have the gantries connect to a smokestack type cylinder that will be built around an essential oil vaporizer for a cool steamy smoke effect. Hopefully this will help the entire board to be more playable with multiple ways to reach each area. I hope to share more with you soon on this board. With the talk of an Adepticon 2021 and possibly another chance at making Relicta Stellas happen, I would love to complete the two boards I had planned to reveal there. Next I plan to photograph the pieces for the board I’ve tentatively titled “The Breath of the Organthus”, the name of a large YOD vessel thought to have been lost within the Cicatrix Maledictum. Big creepy daemon infested ship… a real gross party for sure.

Hope this finds you all well out there floating in the void. If you feel like checking out some articles I’ve written that might be getting a little more exposure, check out www.grimdarkcompendium.com where the newest play-by-play on my YOD assassins should be up pretty soon. It’s the second out of three parts if I don’t fuck it up and get canceled. I go into the deets of how I built a small arms specialist Vindicare and some of the disorienting bases representing the Organthus. The third installment will be the painting process where all the magic seems to be happening at the moment at least. I’ll leave you with a WIP shot from where I’m sitting with them. Have a pleasant darkness, my old buddies!!

I have a few more base tones to get in here before I start in with the oil and enamel products. Let me know what you think?

I have a few more base tones to get in here before I start in with the oil and enamel products. Let me know what you think?

Slugwizard: part three

Hello! I had a little bit of time recently To fill some gaps and start sculpting some of the structures on the “Slugwizard” Daemon Prince. The big chunk of plastic on the base is from the big base chunk on that Bonreapers HQ model. The name escapes me at the moment but it’s one of those sick diorama type HQ things GW has been doing the past few years, that are basically 5 minis on one base. I love them. Usually worth the ticket for the bits alone. (i.e.Katakros, Triumph of St. Cathrine, etc.) Anyway, the big rocky forms on this are great , but they are covered in a very noticeable pattern. I filled these parts with a green putty from a company called Squadron Products. I think its more of a scale modeling product. Kinda like liquid green stuff but a little more of a dry chunky consistency. Mine might be a little old. I put this stuff on with a sculpting knife trying to press it into the details I’m trying to fill. I also used this in the same way to smooth the plastic chunks texture into the extruded foam Ive mocked the connections into the base and back of the model with. Its really easy to get a varied chunky texture with this stuff so I ended up using it to fill in some details of gore details on The YOD assassin models I’ve been making. It will press in and grab on to any little crevice you put it to, almost like a chunky spackle. It cures pretty quickly and can be pushed until then to get some good chunk a roughed ripped texture. It also dries rock hard. I hadn’t sanded it yet in these photos but it reacts to sanding perfectly.. (and did just that) This long explanation comes from me ultimately not knowing what its made of.

Ive also started to build the details in the head, added tentacle orbs , and filled the power vents into the body. Also, not really pictured here are some large guitar string details I’ve glued and sculpted into the back/spine area of the Wizard’s main body. Ill get to that more next when I’ll sculpt in the skirt muscles of the body and some of the mantle texture. I also need to get his scepter built, what’s a fucking wizard without a scepter? Think I’m going to use the Empire magician’s staff as a base, but I haven’t really pulled any triggers there yet.

Sadly I hadn’t checked the deadline for the SlugwizardSpring contest and realized upon checking, that I had started way too late to have hopes of entering entering. By now I’ve had so many ideas for this piece, that I don’t want to rush and leave anything out. This monster should go quite well with a few other Daemon Princes I’ve been playing around with for the past few years, so I’m going to keep at it!

The idea on the Slug Prince is to add a bunch more mushroomy details growing on his right scepter clutching arm and down the back of his right side. The fungus detailed on the blightlord torso have always been the inspiration here. The casting hand on the left I would like to treat as if its sewing spores of its fungus. I think I can do that with some silica beads and smaller glass beads scattered along the ground details on the base and attaching a few to the left hand. I plan to add some gross battlefield casualties to the base where ill add the bead details as well as mushrooms growing from them. I want this to look like the spores are taking immediate effect on/in reaction to the gore. I guess I just love creating more problems to solve.

Slugwizard:part two

Last night after work I jumped back in on our slug boy. Adding some of the basic ridges to the slug body, building a head structure and starting the base.

Using copper wire as structure for all the classic tentacles of a slug face.

Using copper wire as structure for all the classic tentacles of a slug face.

Layering a lot of plumber’s putty to sell the basic muscle structures. Mocked up the basics on the base with some terrain bits, some natural root material, and some extruded foam. I’ll go in and smooth out all these details later with a slower setting sculpting medium. I needed to do this so the slimy shape of the slug body can really hug the terrain correctly.

Working with plumber’s putty can be kind of tricky but it works well with my impatience. This stuff hardens quickly (rock hard in about 15 minutes) so I have to work super fast a simple. The head above, for example, is about 5 different cured passes of putty. This is great for building up underlying structures quickly but not so much on details. That type of stuff I’m saving for later!

After establishing the load bearing structures of the base, I can more properly define slug body. I try to mark the points on the model where the figure should be facing as well as were it will make contact. I also drill out a point for the main pin of the figure and try to make that as sturdy as possible because I’m gonna be back and forth fitting and refining. Plus a wobbly main connection is a PAIN IN THE ASS!! I coated the extruded foam and root material in s Matte acrylic medium and some random ink. The medium will act as a lite barrier between any glues or chemicals that might get on the foam and melt it as i continue to build. The ink is so i know what parts I’ve put the medium on.

I added 3 different ridges to the structure of the slug body and blended them in roughly with a lubricated tool. Got them both in there with one pass of putty each. A miracle. The end of the tail took an additional pass and anxiety as I tried to make sure it maintained a living fluidity and attached to the rotten tree correctly. Luckily I’ll be able to refine this later.

I also drilled out some points for pins in the mantel area of the creatures back for some additional vent details from what was once power armor. I've always loved the idea of an ascendant chaos marine and how it’s now corrupted form could assimilate and graft parts of its armor permanently into its biological form. More on that later haha.

I’m going to add some more mechanical details to the main body of the character next. Then its on to sculpting the more detailed bits with a proper putty. More soon, as well as logs of other projects my ADD brain flutters to and from. Cheers!