So, lately I’ve been motivated to document my projects a bit more, or at least show the regular progress going on in the background of a few moody photos on Instagram. When I step back and look at my hobby time existentially I can see a flourishing attention deficit disorder and an almost obsessive compulsive compulsion to over accent small details. That seems to be pretty common in the miniature hobby from where I sit. I want to hold myself a bit more accountable about documenting my progress on the many projects I jump back and forth from. You may have read a few articles I’ve written for The Grimdark Compendium where I document my wandering through projects like my Khrist Tech-cult and YOD assassins. Throughout the process of creating these articles I’m manically jumping from project to project (or motivated to) and I find this makes me feel very unproductive. My answer to this problem is an article to be regularly posted here. (every 2 weeks if not more) I’ve titled this VOIDBREAKER in regard to the silent voice of a World Wide Web blog in our year of 2021. If you check it out or any of this even reaches you, feel free to drop me a line and let me know what you think. You can find me on Instagram @witchhammerstudio and my email is at the top still!
This month I’ve been bitten by the KILL TEAM bug. After jumping boots first into the last iteration of KILL TEAM, I was a bit apprehensive to learn a whole new system when the newest release dropped. I was really going to miss creating small groups of minis to explore painting a specific faction. I held out, the salt was strong. Strong until I started playing a few test games of Necromunda with my partner. She loved it, and owned. Some time went on, we’d play here and there and I’d continue to get random ideas for 40k cannon factions I’d never have the time to start. The salt was washing off.
I’ve fantasized about reimagining the basic Harlequin or at least take that aesthetic for a spin for a while now. What better time? They even seemed to have a lower model count fire team in the new rules. (From a glance.) On colors I spell my inspiration with a huge screaming letters C and and F. Chris Foss. Fucking stoked! Currently waiting on a few Harlequin Troupe bits to go with the bashing i have planned for a few Blood Bowl Elf bodies. I have a relatively simple plan to magnetize their weapons options to give her all the options, and help with some creative weapon posing. Starting with 6 models, I want to include at least 3 new mask options with some sliced heads. Other than the magnetized weapons, I’m going to use some brass to elevate these characters a bit in floating fabrics. I think this will help make their poses a little bit more elegant. Their pieces sorted, should be in my hands soon.
In the mean time I had been traveling down another very dark Xenos road. One day, not too long ago, I stumbled across @craftsmanjono on Instagram. Among many other amazing creations, he had created some stunning Tyranid conversions. Adding, notably, human skull bits to the front of Genestealer and Warrior heads. His posing and little Xenomorph-like details really brought me around to the Tyranid ashthetic. I would feel like a bit of a creep posting someone else’s work here so go check it out, His work is incredible. This really had me scheming. From what I’ve read I was probably going to need a few Warriors for a small model count Kill Team. These six-armed creeps are just like death metal Xenomorphs. It doesn’t take much to get me going. There were also a few things I wanted to do with the models and the Giger Xenomorph (or and Giger creation) has always haunted my work in the best way.
This far into these, I’m enjoying working with the natural shapes. They are, no doubt going to require me to get a bit better at sculpting. Couldn’t hurt. Ive got some super fun ideas on color schemes I’ll share later. Ive got some step-by-step shots of this process I’ll put up here separately soon. These three stooges are going to be mainly Weapons Beasts, loaded down with Boneswords/Lashwhipswips and a leader sporting a Deathspitter. And well hell, I’m gonna need some Genestealers…
Still waiting on a few bits here but I hear they are on their way! I’m super stoked. We should be able to play with these lists as soon as they are built. I’ll have more for you soon, as well as some ordered details on reposing and enlarging the Warriors. If you made it this far thanks for reading the first VOIDBREAKER. I hope all your hobby dreams come true as long as they are dark and dirty.