Hello there traveler, welcome back to the ramble! Elbow deep into January, we’ve all been for a wild ride. I’ve had a chance to work on a few projects here and there but my main focus of attention has moved to completing the SAMMHAS2 board for the upcoming Adepticon. I’m going to use this to plant the seed for the setting, or at least flesh it out a little more. I’m pretty much copy-pasting my words from any groups I’ve shared these ideas to, so forgive the errors, I’ll find them eventually.
First things first, I’ll need to drop the main info on the setting, so this is current SAMMHAS2 cannon!
SAMMAHS2, was once known as Sammahs, an eta class World located near the great tear.. A world blown into huge land fragments after the cicatrix maledictum but held together by a mysterious magnetic anomaly within its center…
At least 100 years after the tear, A high technology feudalistic society survived from the remnants of the once imperial world. Built from the floating pieces of SAMMAHS with the help of a neighboring forge moon .(Grenaki cults of the KHRIST Mechanicus { (Heretically Suspect, ties to the YOD deathcults etc. more of my made-up bullshit) }) Due to their technological mastery/curiosities, much of the world is held together by harnessing the magnetic anomalies with an adjoining grid attempting to attach the larger floating land masses in some sort of coherence, maintaining the planet’s structure while the world can be studied, mined, exploited.
Many of the citizens power structures organized into houses (much like necromunda gangs) collecting their own heraldry, specialties, creeds, and historical significance. These specifics tend to lean towards airborne/combat …etc.(haven’t gotten that far yet, flying or floating seemed like the first thing to do, but I can see the potential for many more)
In the rebirthing times of Sammahs, the ruling houses of the world clutched into themselves forming more cults of martial prowess and flight capability than a rigid governmental structure for sometime. Their imperial normalcies slowly reintroducing themselves through some era of savage feud and sky bound folly.
This knightly structure remains, with each house guarded by at least one warden presiding over the capability of its holdings. These range in many realms of import. Far superior weapons systems, innovative flight navigation doctrines, proficient armor patterns vastly improving air boarding actions, etc. Each house holding an un-filled edge against its aggressors.
Moderately prosperous houses, such as Bruell, hold 10 Wardens of varied specialization. This a contrast to the SAMMAHS2 house warden average of 6, still a small command to the dominant house Kaelmn ’s 21 sons.
Like flamboyant Arbites They like to fight and hate each other to rediculous 40K levels and are equally corrupted and unaware of the rampant crime situations infecting the entire world.
I’m thinking a Children of Men, repurposed war zone vibe, Like people peddling for their lives tied to the side of a cliff.…in the middle of an esoteric war blah blah blah
.Really just trying to make it something people could insert something into narratively with models, narrative, ideas, etc. Pretty wide-open for just about anything one would want to write into it. Doesn’t have to be 100 years after the tear just enough time for Imperial society and shenanigans to start to show its face again. Weird JETPACK cults, floating boats ,Rocketeer human(not space marine) space ninjas on 40K. Ive got a few nasty Endsmouth type denizens in mind as well as more of the blatant crime elements. Big sandbox within our big sandbox, go nuts, sky is the limit there.(haha)
Here go a few mood boards I slapped together for the groups, hope it helps to translate…
The Floating Worlds, Man Made UFO’s, and Civil Unrest
The always present Giger inspirations, High Horrors in Daylight, Mountain Battle, JetPack Cults, Sky Burials, Alien Brutalism , and of coarse the Baroque.
And now for a bit of a photo walk-through on the SAMMAHS2 board so far. Still have to add filler to floating rock formations, then I can start all the micro detailing. The clear acrylic square for the base is ordered, I can’t wait to see these things floating.(or looking like they are)
Any good ideas on the best system to adapt for an Inq28 scenario? I have a few ideas on different narrative objective points, but how can they work into a proper skirmish system? So far people are liking planet28, Kill Team, Necromunda, and Warcry. I’m only familiar with Necromunda and Kill Team, but they all sound fun. What could work best?
Commentary in the appropriate photo descriptions
Market Gantry to the left here, ending with a magnetic coupling. Another floating lonesome coupling to the right.I’d like to add a sort of screen readout or control display to the lone magnetic coupling to set off a randomized failure or explosion. The coupling being attached to a bridge and representing a large play area could be catastrophic within narrative play and my require some looking into.
The board pieces will be on a 2’ x 2’ clear acrylic square I hope helps represent the atmosphere of cliff faces of an unknown height and to facilitate the (limited) use of small fliers.
(Mid level shot across the board)I’m seeing the cliff to the left as some disease ridden Endsmouth type market place. Really, everything here just covered in slimy filth and civil unrest.
(Full shot from opposite side) a few of the floating boulders (to the left here)are on acrylic flight stands and could support models. I like the idea of these rocks moving on some scatter roll every turn or something equally as annoying.
The circular sections (shown here from above) are to represent the ends of a magnet grid structure created after the fragmentation of SAMMAHS. These were implemented to hold together main hive and strategic areas of the planet forms in a floating coherency. Without these structures the landforms of SAMMAHS2 would clack into each other like the balls on a bumped billiard table ( or whatever)
At the top of the “garage” type cliff face there is a small craft launch pad that rotates at the lower circle pictured here. The mid level flooring integrates with the tower structures at the outer face of the cliff as it rotates. I’d like to add another flooring level at the back here to add more access to the ladders and levels of the launch pad.
Launch/landing deck at another rotation. I picture this possibly being activated at another, or multiple other locations on the board🤷🏻♂️
Small details taking shape. The interior to a broken open building facade. Or my attempt at it so far.
This garage section and the gantries below have some objective possibilities. Overly creative magos’ hidey-hole? Control panel? Randolph Carter’s Library? Don’t know yet, do you? This photo is a bit shit for it. But there is a land speeder in the garage and I’ve built x-ray type lights for the inner walls. Need some stuff to hide within the lower cubbies.
(Opposite end across the couplings)
This guy. I don’t know, the Little Rock pedestal reminded me of the cliff face from Midsommar. Thought it would be great for some type of Sky Burial type situation. Not sure. All these floating boulders will get chains and ladder bits and bobs Mabey even som hand railing or broken sculpture etc. I just love the idea of some floating preacher out there screaming the plague song to the void.
So that’s were I’m at so far. I’m pretty stoked to get on the little details. Hit me up on Instagram @witchhammerstudio and let me know what you think, help me out, or if you want to get involved. If you’re going to be in Schaumburg, IL for Adepticon 2022 try to check out the Inq28 action while your drowning in all the other awesome! More goodies soon everyone, Happy New Year!!!