Hey there drifter, welcome back. We’ve been discussing weapons options on The Harlequin Troupe we’re building for Kill Team. I thought since we were still mulling it over I’d finish something quick to stretch the painting muscles.It always bums me the fuck out when I have to speculate on what the best option to build gaming miniatures with. I might just be worried about looking like an dumb asshole. (I get there somehow every time, haha) I’m always so much more into making a model and painting it and it kills to be stuck with a cool model that eats it pretty hard because I didn’t know the best option. We’re doing research, and I’m sure some test games will at least inform a good start. I did say I wanted to try using some magnets on this project. I may indeed have to make at least a few.
The past few weeks I hopped over to the painting table. About a week of it was Thanksgiving holiday, and with a bit of luck, I could chip another few pieces off the backlog,
In 2019 there were many plans abandoned. A big one for me was the Relicta Stellas event scheduled for that years Adepticon, a miniature wargaming event near Chicago. This event was to be held throughout the weekend of the convention in a collection of one-on-one, inq28, skirmish games. These were loosely based on the campaign systems of Necromunda (2017)
I previously posted about the partially completed sahhmas2 floating cities board, and some of the story related to Warden Houses of SAMMAHS2. I created a few models to represent a city sanctioned escort party for a mysterious Magos character and its even stranger creation. This group was to, at some point, be forced through the floating city board scenarios. Adding to the event narrative (somewhat) and providing a fun multi leveled board for multiple warbands to play on! Then the world took and dump and here we are almost two years later.
I had these four roughly started with base tones. (skin, armor,metals etc) Kept it super simple in the grey and blue realm. I used Tire Black from Secret Weapon and USAF Light Grey from Vallejo AIR as the main palette here. The unifying color of the accented armor is an Ulthuan Grey base coat washed heavy with Vallejo Game Turquoise, and then dry brushed again with Ulthuan Grey and some sort of white I honestly cant even remember. Trim on that was Scale 75 Black Gold and Vallejo Liquid Gold.
All the silver metals were done starting with a mix of black and umber ink and Vallejo metal color Gunmetal Grey working up to Dark Aluminum and then to Pale Burnt Metal in the brightest areas. This job was an “easy win” as I was just going a few extras layers on each detail and adding the final weathering elements. My notes prior to the sit were literally “Metals & Armor: 2 passes, Skin, Weathering, Rims”
I washed the exposed skin sections of the Voidsmen models in the appropriate areas with Red Wash from Army Painter and some Brown Inks. And then glazed highlights in with Harvester and Moonray Flesh from Scale75 Fantacy. There is a small Insigna freehand on the Princeps’ sholder armor and a few wires on the Servo-Crow, as well as a shock of red-brown hair on the female voids man to get sorted before weathering. After all the details were laid in bright, I sprayed the models lightly with a gloss varnish from the airbrush.
I sprayed the lower half of the model, legs and base with a mix of AK Interactive Streaking Grime and Dark Streaking Grime and then buffing it off of the raised areas with some make-up sponges. After these enamel layers were dry I dusted the model with a satin varnish. At this point I started adding powdered pigments to the base with alcohol and a dropper. I started darker here and added multiple diluted passes of different light grey and brown pigments as I cleaned up the rest of the models details. This was all done with Inks and flow-aid mostly, nothing really beats a hard “black-line” for a last touch of contrast.
After closing in the contrast of the details around the business ends of the model I started applying the pigment and alcohol mixtures to the legs and feet of the models as well as any other appropriately dirtied parties of the characters. Lastly I hit the models with a few rounds of Testor’s Dullcoat. When that’s dry I can tell where I’m at on the amount of pigments I’ve applied as well as evened up the surface tones of the model. Then I hit all the visors with a gloss varnish and the rims of the bases with a glossy black.
I finished one more model I’ll share later, It just seems so unrelated to these models, I think I should post it separately. Thank you for reading if you’ve made it this far. I promised attention deficit disorder, I hope I’ve delivered. Until next time Champion!