Slugwizard: a begining
So, last minute as usual. I’ve gotten a start on my plan for the Slugwizard challenge. Started with a cool Pusgoyle Blightlord torso. Ive always loved the one with the cook mushrooms growing on its right arm and have always wanted to try my hand at sculpting some mushrooms on some lovecraftian horrors. This was my chance. Shaved off the burgle icons on the belly plate and shaped a good space filler shape for the upright trunk that will be the front of the slug body (and anthropomorphic marine mutation) with some extruded foam. This stuff is super easy to carve down with a knife and will take some glue and aluminum foil I’ll base any sculpting off of. It will also be rigid enough to maintain the posture I want to keep under the torso at least. I pinned this in with some larger gage copper wire that I can bend pretty easily to mock up the structure of the rest of the slug body. I try to keep this piece a bit smaller than I want the final body to be so I can add sculpting medium to sell the sluggy textures.
After selecting a few bits to create arms from, ( part of a Pusgoyle arm and a Bloodreaver’s Axe hand, right. A chaos sorcerers left arm.) I start to build a basic slug shape with aluminum foil, then smoothing that out with some plumber’s putty.
Looking rather weird, and should be a great starting point for something weirder. That was about it for this morning’s session. I’ll be back on this one soon, and look forward to sharing the progress here. Take care of yourselves champions!