Slugwizard: part three
Hello! I had a little bit of time recently To fill some gaps and start sculpting some of the structures on the “Slugwizard” Daemon Prince. The big chunk of plastic on the base is from the big base chunk on that Bonreapers HQ model. The name escapes me at the moment but it’s one of those sick diorama type HQ things GW has been doing the past few years, that are basically 5 minis on one base. I love them. Usually worth the ticket for the bits alone. (i.e.Katakros, Triumph of St. Cathrine, etc.) Anyway, the big rocky forms on this are great , but they are covered in a very noticeable pattern. I filled these parts with a green putty from a company called Squadron Products. I think its more of a scale modeling product. Kinda like liquid green stuff but a little more of a dry chunky consistency. Mine might be a little old. I put this stuff on with a sculpting knife trying to press it into the details I’m trying to fill. I also used this in the same way to smooth the plastic chunks texture into the extruded foam Ive mocked the connections into the base and back of the model with. Its really easy to get a varied chunky texture with this stuff so I ended up using it to fill in some details of gore details on The YOD assassin models I’ve been making. It will press in and grab on to any little crevice you put it to, almost like a chunky spackle. It cures pretty quickly and can be pushed until then to get some good chunk a roughed ripped texture. It also dries rock hard. I hadn’t sanded it yet in these photos but it reacts to sanding perfectly.. (and did just that) This long explanation comes from me ultimately not knowing what its made of.
Ive also started to build the details in the head, added tentacle orbs , and filled the power vents into the body. Also, not really pictured here are some large guitar string details I’ve glued and sculpted into the back/spine area of the Wizard’s main body. Ill get to that more next when I’ll sculpt in the skirt muscles of the body and some of the mantle texture. I also need to get his scepter built, what’s a fucking wizard without a scepter? Think I’m going to use the Empire magician’s staff as a base, but I haven’t really pulled any triggers there yet.
Sadly I hadn’t checked the deadline for the SlugwizardSpring contest and realized upon checking, that I had started way too late to have hopes of entering entering. By now I’ve had so many ideas for this piece, that I don’t want to rush and leave anything out. This monster should go quite well with a few other Daemon Princes I’ve been playing around with for the past few years, so I’m going to keep at it!
The idea on the Slug Prince is to add a bunch more mushroomy details growing on his right scepter clutching arm and down the back of his right side. The fungus detailed on the blightlord torso have always been the inspiration here. The casting hand on the left I would like to treat as if its sewing spores of its fungus. I think I can do that with some silica beads and smaller glass beads scattered along the ground details on the base and attaching a few to the left hand. I plan to add some gross battlefield casualties to the base where ill add the bead details as well as mushrooms growing from them. I want this to look like the spores are taking immediate effect on/in reaction to the gore. I guess I just love creating more problems to solve.