Beginning the 2x3 personal challenge..
so Adepticon 2018 quickly approaches and with that many projects that need to be fast tracked. I've desided, as to not get burnt out, to split up the three main projects into a 2day work frame. So I'll work on one project for 48 hours then move on to the next and so on and so forth until all projects are completed.
So the projects:
1. Rogue Trader group. 5 miniatures for use in the Palatine Spires Inq28 event at Adepticon 2018. Full build and paint.
2. Two spire pieces, bigger the better, for the Palatine Spires Inq28 event at Adepticon 2018. Full build and paint.
3. Paint on Amalathian group, support, and NPC models for same event....
Here's some photographic evidence from the beginning of February...
More Soon...